Daily Loan Scheme
- The loan period will be for three or six months.
- The loan amount will be maximum of Rs. 100,000/-
- A person having daily income will be admissible for D.L.S.
- The borrower must have saving account with Dashmangal Nidhi Nidhi.
- The loan will be paid back by daily installments
Loan Amount (3 Month) | Daily Installment | Loan Amount (6 Month) | Daily Installment |
10,000 | 120 | 10,000 | 65 |
20,000 | 240 | 20,000 | 130 |
30,000 | 360 | 30,000 | 195 |
50,000 | 600 | 50,000 | 325 |
100,000 | 1200 | 100,000 | 650 |