Fixed Deposit Plan

Rs. 10000/-

Time PeriodRateMaturity
6 months9.50%10475/-
12 months10.00%11000/-
24 months10.25%12155/-
36 months10.50%13492/-
48 months11.00%15181/-
60 months11.26%17049/-

Rs. 20000/-

Time PeriodRateMaturity
6 months9.50%20950/-
12 months10.00%22000/-
24 months10.25%24310/-
36 months10.50%26958/-
48 months11.00%30362/-
60 months11.26%34099/-

Rs. 25000/-

Time PeriodRateMaturity
6 months9.50%26188/-
12 months10.00%27500/-
24 months10.25%30388/-
36 months10.50%33731/-
48 months11.00%37952/-
60 months11.26%42623/-

Rs. 50000/-

Time PeriodRateMaturity
6 months9.50%52375/-
12 months10.00%55000/-
24 months10.25%60775/-
36 months10.50%67461/-
48 months11.00%75904/-
60 months11.26%85244/-

Rs. 75000/-

Time PeriodRateMaturity
6 months9.50%78563/-
12 months10.00%82500/-
24 months10.25%91164/-
36 months10.50%101193/-
48 months11.00%113856/-
60 months11.26%127867/-

Rs. 100000/-

Time PeriodRateMaturity
6 months9.50%104750/-
12 months10.00%110000/-
24 months10.25%121550/-
36 months10.50%134924/-
48 months11.00%151807/-
60 months11.26%170489/-

The dashmangal Nidhi Ltd. core purpose is to improve the quality of life of the communities it serves locally, through long-term stakeholder value creation.


Vivekananda Chowk
